Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring In Utah

Spring in Utah generally consists of snow, rain, sunshine and temperatures ranging from 20 to 45.  Sometimes within the same day. 
So, because Spring will officially be here on the 21st, I want to propose a challenge:  take photos of spring.  Not much of a challenge right?  Well, what if I said it has to be something unique, different.  Not those flowery photos that most people take, but something different. View a flower from the bottom, taking the photo upwards, into the sky.  Take a picture of a leaf in a raingutter during a rainstorm.  Take a picture of people in tank tops out in the snow. Whatever.  Just make it different. 
I will be doing this project myself, looking for new ways to look at things.  I hope that this project will inspire you to stop and look in unconventional directions for possible photo oppurtunities.
Anyway, you have until monday to come up with some pictures.  Feel free to post them and leave a link here to the picture.  :)  I will post my photos on Sunday evening or Monday evening.  Now, get out there and photograph!!

-Eagle Feather

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